Предлагаем вниманию врачей-онкологов, реабилитологов, лимфологов презентацию лекции Стеллы Арбитманн, врача Földiklinik, специализированной лимфологической клиники, мирового флагмана и разработчика золотого стандарта лечения лимфедемы, прочитанной 17 октября 2020 года для медицинского сообщества […]
Волонтерская деятельность в Беларуси: количественные и содержательные характеристики
По инициативе социально-просветительского учреждения «Центр поддержки онкопациентов «Во имя жизни» старший аналитик научно-исследовательского учреждения «Аналитическая группа ЦЕТ», кандидат социологических наук Оксана Шелест провела исследование масштаба и динамики волонтерского движения в Беларуси, его социокультурных особенностей, а также анализ контента СМИ.
Problems and perspectives of development of psycho-oncology in Georgia and in the Eastern European region
Ekaterine Sanikidze, Director at Tbilisi Cancer Center, Georgian Patients’ Union Adviser, presentation at the Second International Scientific and Practical Conference «Improving the quality of life of cancer patients through the development of cooperation between state, commercial and non-profit organizations».
Latvia. The importance of psychosocial rehabilitation for cancer patients and their relatives
Kitija Janele, Board Member and Head of the Psychosocial Rehabilitation Program of the NGO “Tree of Life”, Alise Musijenko, manager of Psychosocial Rehabilitation Program of the NGO “Tree of Life”, presentation at the Second International Scientific and Practical Conference «Improving the quality of life of cancer patients through the development of cooperation between state, commercial and non-profit organizations».
Danish Cancer Society aims to unite the Danish population in a strong, active effort against cancer
Lene Frydensberg Petersen, teamleder and project manager for EC support programme for Belarus of the NGO “European House”, presentation at the Second International Scientific and Practical Conference «Improving the quality of life of cancer patients through the development of cooperation between state, commercial and non-profit organizations».
25 years of Psycho-Oncology in Poland: past, present and future
Marzena Samardakiewicz, Assistant Professor; Clinical Psychologist; Department of Applied Psychology; Department of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Transplantology, Medical University of Lublin, Poland; President of The Polish Psycho-Oncology Society (PPOS), presentation at the Second International Scientific and Practical Conference «Improving the quality of life of cancer patients through the development of cooperation between state, commercial and non-profit organizations».